Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Barbershop is What is Hot

Some of you might not know that I am a closet fan of the barbershop style of music. I love hearing those ringing chords and hoarmonies, I love overtones that give me chills. One of my favorites is this. It makes my heart happy. And I love doing my part to keep this style alive, its important to our country's musical history and not a lot of people even know what it is. I am a member of Sweet Adelines International. It is a womens singing organization that has chorus' and quartets all over the world. It was started in the US in Oklahoma basically because some women were tired of men having all the bbshop fun. So on Tuesday nights from 7-10 I am at rehearsal. We have a wonderful director Jean Barford who is pretty much the ninja of womens barbershop. If a chorus is going to have a director, shes the one you want. She is flown all over the place to coach chorus' and quartets. We are competing in Nashville at the end of October and let me tell you, rehearsals are full of intense energy at this point, we pretty much rock and we are going for the gold! LAst night we created an undertone that ripped, pretty sure the people next door wondered why everything was shaking. So October 20-14 be thinking of Gem City Chorus.


manda said...

I have a feeling only each other are going to be commenting on our blogs. Oh well. we'll have fun.

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