First of all, I was vaccinated, so was my sister. Do I think parents who vaccinate their kids are horrible? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Do I think we should inform ourselves about vaccinations instead of just doing what we are told, what "everyone does" what the government "requires?" Yes.
Here are some reasons I am leaning towards not vaccinating.
*Many of the diseases we vaccinate for are not life threatening, the ones that are are incredibly rare. For instance, Chicken Pox, didn't we all have this as kids? didn't we all just put some lotion on, take oatmeal baths for a week and then everything was fine and we never got it again? What's the point of putting harmful chemicals in our body? Another example, Polio, while polio is life threatening there was an outbreak, they created a vaccine after it was steadily declining in cases in the US. And since then majority of people who got were people who had received the vaccine. All this brings me to my next few points.
*Getting vaccinated is not a guarantee you won't contract these illnesses. Recently there was an outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) part of the the DTaP vaccine in Oakwood, Ohio, close to where I live. Guess who was getting it? You got it, it started with and everyone infected with it had been VACCINATED. Interesting, but parents who don't vaccinate are putting everyone's kids at risk and irresponsible. Riiiiiiight
*Vaccines contain harmful chemicals like Formaldehyde and mercury, wait what? Yep make sure while your pregnant you eat fresh fruits and veggies but when your baby is born we are going to make you shoot him with untested antibiotics. Formaldehyde MSG, Mercury, egg protein and aluminum (yeah this causes alzheimers). The CDC even admits this but no parent is ever informed of this. IF that isn't enough vaccines contain serum from not only chimpanzees, monkey, cows, pigs, chickens horses and even human serum and tissues from ABORTED FETUSES. I think I just lost my breakfast.
*The kids and people my age (their mothers were brave and ahead of their time) that were not vaccinated were sick less, bounced back from colds quicker and had less ear infections, sinus infections etc. (I realize this is just observation and there is no proof of this but as often as I was sick and with as much respiratory trouble Trevor had I consider this valid.)
*preventing disease and infection is all about just that, prevention!
Here is a interesting quote from a MEDICAL DOCTOR "There has never been a single vaccine in this country that has ever been submitted to a controlled scientific study. They never took a group of 100 people who were candidates for a vaccine, gave 50 of them a vaccine and left the other 50 alone, and measured the outcome. And since that has never been done, that means that if you want to be kind, you will call vaccines an unproven remedy. If you want to be accurate, you'll call the people who give vaccines quacks."
I am still researching because I want to make an informed decision, I am looking at what population gets these diseases we vaccinate for, how many reported cases there are etc. I am also informing myself on the current laws requiring these vaccines and my right to exemption. Which I have! I have to put on my game face when I deliver so I can "just say no" to vaccines.
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