Wednesday, October 26, 2011

2 posts in a row....

So after yesterday i have read even more and I'm pretty sure no vaccines will be the way to go for my family. Since I was a kid there are 28 more shots that kids "have to get." Interesting.

Anyway, I have just discovered It's various yahoo groups separated by city/region etc. You can opt to get emails for each posting or just visit the page everyday. Everything that people post has to be free. You can also post a wanted ad. I just scored some old painted wood, 6 pane windows. I am going to use them in my decor somehow. People post anything from furniture to TV's to boxes of fabric. A lot of people post children s clothing in mass quantities. You just respond via email and set up a time to go get whatever it is. It's amazing! I am a part of 2 groups in my area. So check it out if you like free stuff or have stuff laying around that you think someone might want for free.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why I may not vaccinate my child

This is a controversial issue, I know, but here goes.

First of all, I was vaccinated, so was my sister. Do I think parents who vaccinate their kids are horrible? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Do I think we should inform ourselves about vaccinations instead of just doing what we are told, what "everyone does" what the government "requires?" Yes.

Here are some reasons I am leaning towards not vaccinating.

*Many of the diseases we vaccinate for are not life threatening, the ones that are are incredibly rare. For instance, Chicken Pox, didn't we all have this as kids? didn't we all just put some lotion on, take oatmeal baths for a week and then everything was fine and we never got it again? What's the point of putting harmful chemicals in our body? Another example, Polio, while polio is life threatening there was an outbreak, they created a vaccine after it was steadily declining in cases in the US. And since then majority of people who got were people who had received the vaccine. All this brings me to my next few points.

*Getting vaccinated is not a guarantee you won't contract these illnesses. Recently there was an outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) part of the the DTaP vaccine in Oakwood, Ohio, close to where I live. Guess who was getting it? You got it, it started with and everyone infected with it had been VACCINATED. Interesting, but parents who don't vaccinate are putting everyone's kids at risk and irresponsible. Riiiiiiight

*Vaccines contain harmful chemicals like Formaldehyde and mercury, wait what? Yep make sure while your pregnant you eat fresh fruits and veggies but when your baby is born we are going to make you shoot him with untested antibiotics. Formaldehyde MSG, Mercury, egg protein and aluminum (yeah this causes alzheimers). The CDC even admits this but no parent is ever informed of this. IF that isn't enough vaccines contain serum from not only chimpanzees, monkey, cows, pigs, chickens horses and even human serum and tissues from ABORTED FETUSES. I think I just lost my breakfast.

*The kids and people my age (their mothers were brave and ahead of their time) that were not vaccinated were sick less, bounced back from colds quicker and had less ear infections, sinus infections etc. (I realize this is just observation and there is no proof of this but as often as I was sick and with as much respiratory trouble Trevor had I consider this valid.)

*preventing disease and infection is all about just that, prevention!

Here is a interesting quote from a MEDICAL DOCTOR "There has never been a single vaccine in this country that has ever been submitted to a controlled scientific study. They never took a group of 100 people who were candidates for a vaccine, gave 50 of them a vaccine and left the other 50 alone, and measured the outcome. And since that has never been done, that means that if you want to be kind, you will call vaccines an unproven remedy. If you want to be accurate, you'll call the people who give vaccines quacks."

I am still researching because I want to make an informed decision, I am looking at what population gets these diseases we vaccinate for, how many reported cases there are etc. I am also informing myself on the current laws requiring these vaccines and my right to exemption. Which I have! I have to put on my game face when I deliver so I can "just say no" to vaccines.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Since my last post.

Found out I was pregnant.
I own a home.
I spent 2 months waiting to move in to that home due to work that needed to be done (which ended up being more than planned).
Went to ER because I thought I was losing my child.
Washer died 3 days before we had to be out of our apartment.
Moved in only to have to sort through all the boxes that were shoved either in the basement, attic or garage.
Car blew up.
Started working temporarily at my old job part time.
Went on vacation, forgot about all of lifes stresses for a week and then cried when I got home when it all came flooding back.
Started a business called Wildtree
Finally got a new washer only to have our sewer back up after it drained due to roots.

You can pray for me all day long, you couldn't do it too much.

Friday, June 3, 2011

House Update

Everything appears to be going smoothly. Appraisal was good, seller agreed to treat the garage for termites since the buggers spent a short time there in the last few years. Now we are waiting on one more thing to come back from underwriting at the bank and the property line stuff to go through with the county. Apparently the 3 vacant lots next to our house we re-parceled into 2 lots for some developer to build 2 houses, making them do a survey of our property as well since currently fence is a few short inches over the property line. Its being re done so we just have those inches and the fence doesn't have to be moved.

So if all this gets done in a timely fashion we can close a little earlier which would help tremendously.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Well Blast

So we were going to make an offer on a house yesterday. It was perfect, very suited to us and the best deal in price I have ever seen. My parents were actually going to make a cash offer with some of our savings and some of theirs and then we were going to fix what what wrong so it would pass appraisal and then Trevor and I were going to buy it for more from them so we would have money to pay our savings' back and some extra to play with to fix it up. No offers had been made until 4 hours before our appointment with the realtor was to write up the contract. Then 2 came in both cash and 1 more than the asking price. It was over. I was sad. I knew this might happen. Too bad it was like minutes before I got back from the bank depositing the majority of my savings into my parents account so they could show proof of funds.

I have to believe there is something better its just hard right now because there isn't even anything worth looking at right now and even if there was we would be comparing it to what we just lost. Sigh....say a prayer for us.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

House Hunting

So we've looked at three and perused probably about 5 more on-line. We may have a winner. Thought it wasn't going to be possible and a possible option has presented itself. So if all goes well an offer may be made. Trying not to get too excited because this may not be it, in which case something better might be in store. If it happens I will explain details because we would def be beating the system. So readers, you can be on pins and needles with me for a while. OMG this house is AWESOME and a good deal! Ok thats as excited as I will get at this present time. ;)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Its been a long time but I haven't been super inspired lately but a lot has happened and needs to be shared. We will start with a little life update.

Beginning of February Trevor developed an VERY PAINFUL abscess on his tailbone as a result of a "cyst" that had gone unnoticed and asymptomatic for probably a long time. So that was taken care of but surgery needed to happen to get rid of the underlying problem...but we were headed to Mexico.

End of February/beginning of March the infection and abscess was completely gone and we went to Mexico. This is now my third and my husbands first time getting the privilege to serve there along side Back2Back Ministries. More on that later.

Middle of march Trevor had his surgery, again VERY PAINFUL but he is now almost back to some type of normal and gets his stitches out Monday and returns to work Tuesday. He also was accepted to Wright State and gets to go to school for free since he is staff. We also were approved for a home loan.

Ok on to whats on my mind.

Mexico. It interesting returning to the same place and just seeing what different things God has planned for you and what does in you each time you go. We do the same things, serve the same people and yet I am blown away and the new things God reveals to me. A year ago I was angry when I went. I Was angry with God, Trevor and I were both unemployed with no prospects. I wanted to go to Mexico because I liked it, was able and wanted to serve the kids, I really had no interest in doing their planned daily devotions, I was pissed about this. So here is where I look back and laugh...I was such and idiot. If God taught me anything it was to trust Him and that he always provides for what we NEED!!
This time I got to share this experience with my wonderful husband and went a lot stronger than I did last year. I was excited about what God would do, I was excited for my time with Him. What I learned last year was repeated this along with a simple truth...from the words of Beth Guckenberger..."The story isn't over yet"
Which brings me to where we are right now. Trevor and I are so ready to be out of this awful apartment. We finally got our approval for our home loan and are getting ready to look at houses. As we look where to go and our current situation we keep thinking...this can't be it, there has to be something better in store for us. I know there is, my story isn't over yet. God isn't done writing it. He has big plans for us but at this time in our lives we need to be where we are, be content, prepare for the future and be patient. He weaves our story and when we are faithful to Him, He blesses us.

We may even end up serving with Back2Back some day! For someone who was luke warm about going to Mexico (my hubby this time) we both talked about seeing ourselves there someday. Oh how I can't wait for His new chapter in our lives whatever it may be!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

It was a busy Holiday Season

took photos at a wedding, then traveled to NEPA for Christmas with the Smalls. Trevor and I both agreed that it was the best trip we have taken in a while. We didn't have to be anywhere, didn't make any plans to see anyone other than family. We didn't leave town except for church which was like 15 minutes away. I felt so relaxed. It was nice family time.
After we got back we went down to our friends taekwondo studio and did some drywall/wood work. I was Trevor's faithful assistant. It had to be done in 3 days since they opened back up on Jan 3 after a 2 week vacation. So alllllllll weekend was spent hanging wood and drywall, mudding, sanding, routing, staining, clear coating, nailing, priming. We got it done Sunday evening. Then Monday-wednesday, I spent editing photos and putting them on CD's. so since before christmas I haven't been to the grocery store. Sooooo finally i feel like myself again and can get some stuff done.

Some other exciting news. Trevor will be traveling to Mexico with me this February. He has been anti foreign missions for a while since he feels his calling/work has been right here at home. But we happened to be at church when an open house was going on for 2 of the full time missionary staff from down there. So I told him I wanted to go. And what do you know, he changed is mind. So we rushed around and applied for his passport and got all the paperwork in. His passport came 2 days ago and hes officially going. It's funny how God worked that all out for us. Sooooooo excited for Trevor to experience this with me and for him to use is MANY handy gifts and talents for the people of Monterrey. So excited to see how God uses him!!! So exited to share this part of my life with him. So exited to serve along side him this time, since last year I couldn't even contact him the whole week. Hopefully I will get to see this precious girl again. I've been praying for her throughout the year. She lives in one of the squatter villages. Her name is Natalia and she could use your prayers too.