So this week was the first week me and my husband have both been unemployed. It is really weird not having anything to do. I felt like such a hobo on Friday when me and Trevor stopped by the thrift store after we dropped my dad off at the airport. I did manage to score 2 pairs of jeans totaling less than $10 total.
Trevor had an interview on Thursday so pray about that. And the big opportunity that he is trying for is one step closer but we still have no idea if that will happen. This whole situation is going to get stressful really soon if nothing happens. But I tell you what, I have never felt more rested in my life.
This weekend Trevor and I participated in "Leaf Busters" which was an ministry our church did in the community where we raked leaves for single moms, the elderly and anyone else that needed some leaf raking assistance. 150+ volunteers went to various communities in Dayton and raked leaves. We raked specific assigned yards of people who had been nominated and then as time permitted we raked other yards. Our 3rd yard was not an "assigned" yard, we (Trevor and I's team of 9 volunteers) saw a little old lady down the road struggle to rake her leaves. We went over and she said that her back was killing her and we offered to help. She was so grateful and wanted to pay us which we of course refused. It took us about 30 minutes to do her whole yard and I think it had taken her about 45 minutes to rake the small pile to the street that she had done before we noticed us. I do believe God was glorified and Marie (the lady) was blessed. I pray that we made an impact for Christ in the communities of Greater Dayton.
Although now my back is killing me, but it was worth it to help those in need. :)